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Hello to all.

I'm with the site staff from GTA-SanAndreas.com and it recently came to my attention that we have some groupies in here. :D

In case you cannot comprehend what im saying, heres a visual idea.

GTA Place Member | GTA SanAndreas member


Pyroxide = PyroHazard


SpazdoHowevertheduckitsspelled Insane = Randomly-Insane


Akilles = Achilles


Compton G = teh same!!


crayola = sounds familiar...


Cutting Edge = Edge


Darkruler = Darkruler


DJ-Invert = DJ-Invert


JORDAN = Jo*backwards R*dan23


matthew = Harrier


mello_yello = <_<


Mr. Nice = same


ognick = Gnick


Pimpy = ImaPhatPimp


Psycho dude = Psycho


ZeroX = VorteX


Leik OMGAWWDSSS waht A CoinceDensE!!11!1 :coolthumbup:

blackrz, get your own names. <_<

Edited by Randomly-Insane
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i didint come here just to say that, i came here to check out another GTA site and see how you guys did things over here. And thats the kind of welcome i get?

anyways, i was simply making an observation on the strange similarities between member names.

and about the IP thing, :coolthumbup::blink:

Ohh NoEsSSSs!!1!!1 TeH L337 HaXXorZZozZ!!11!!1111!1!!!

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  Randomly-Insane said:
Hello to all.

I'm with the site staff from GTA-SanAndreas.com and it recently came to my attention that we have some groupies in here. :D

In case you cannot comprehend what im saying, heres a visual idea.

GTA Place Member | GTA SanAndreas member


Pyroxide = PyroHazard


SpazdoHowevertheduckitsspelled Insane = Randomly-Insane


Akilles = Achilles


Compton G = teh same!!


crayola = sounds familiar...


Cutting Edge = Edge


Darkruler = Darkruler


DJ-Invert = DJ-Invert


JORDAN = Jo*backwards R*dan23


matthew = Harrier


mello_yello = <_<


Mr. Nice = same


ognick = Gnick


Pimpy = ImaPhatPimp


Psycho dude = Psycho


ZeroX = VorteX


Leik OMGAWWDSSS waht A CoinceDensE!!11!1 :coolthumbup:

blackrz, get your own names. <_<

It's funny, considering how those first two names you listed, I came up with. Off the top of my head. PyrOxide((a variation of Pyr-O-rgasm, which is a name I use somewhere else)), and Spasmodically_Insane were both creations of me, Spaz.

Some of those ones that you said were "the same!" could possibly mean that we share a few members.

How can you compare "matthew" to "harrier"? They are nothing alike.

I know I'm an Egotist, but I absolutly DESPISE most Egotists! We did not copy your names. We ARE NOT your groupies, and you cannot say different just because we have similar names. The word "Pyro" is used quite alot. And I am currently the ONLY person to use the name "Spasmodically_Insane". Why? Because I made it up. How do you get "Spasmodically" out of "Ranomly"? The only similarities between our names is the word "Insane", which like "Pyro", is used alot. Hell, we had a member((he left)) named "Insane_Pyro28". Shit, that's both of those words in one name. Is he copying you, too?

Welcome to the forums, and enjoy your stay.

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